Evolve her ministries is a non profit womans organazation.
Mission and Vision
Here at Evolve her ministries our mission and vison is to help lost souls come to christ to get them grounded in their faith and to help them find their purpouse in order to build Gods kingdom
Stay connected through weekly bible study
We currently have Bible study every monday night from 8:00pm-9:00pm EST every month we have a new theme that we know will help you to grow and become grounded in your faith.
Partner with us by donating
We are so commited to helping our community and for us it would be a blessing if you partnered with us click the link down below to find out how.

Upcoming events
Galentines Day.
02.21.25 6:30PM-9:00PM
Its Love month join us for our annul Galentines day where we will have worship food and the word!
Ladies Night out.
A ladies night out! get ready to get dressed and head out to a nice night out in the city!
Are you a woman looking to connect with other woman of God? this night is for you!
$45 Monthly
1 ON 1 Mentorship
Hey Woman of God ! are you looking to grow in your faith but need a little more accountbility or guidance? Assoupi is here to help book a 1 ON 1 and preapre for a life changing expirence.
$35 Monthly
Group Mentorship
Hey Woman of God are you looking to grow with other likeminded woman? well here is your opportunity join our group mentorship classand be preapred for your life to chnage